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 ReImagine Washtenaw Public Art & Design Plan

Commissioned by Washtenaw County, The Creative Washtenaw developed the ReImagine Washtenaw Public Art & Design Plan in accordance with the HUD Sustainable Communities Planning Grant as a part of the ReImagine Washtenaw Corridor Improvement Study.

The ReImagine Washtenaw Avenue Public Art & Design Plan was informed by 11 community focus groups and two public surveys administered by The Creative Washtenaw from 2013-2014 in Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti Township, the City of Ypsilanti and Pittsfield Township.  More than 750 community members participated.

Outlined in the plan are the findings from the focus groups and surveys as well as recommendations for future art and design along the Washtenaw Corridor, including the following:

  • Public art & design is important. The surveys showed that 80% of participants believe that public art and design is an important element of a rich and vibrant community.
  • Community involvement and transparency for public art & design. A community driven project that allows individuals to have input and participate with the process is essential to the success of installed pieces and design elements. Future public art and design projects should also consider how local community members can and will interact with the [artwork or design elements] – both during the creation process and upon completion.
  • Identify and publicize existing public art & design elements. Community education through a variety of avenues… should strive to identify and celebrate the public art and design elements that currently exist and encourage community members, developers and designers to think more creatively about how unique design elements – from paint colors to bike racks – can enrich the county by making public spaces more enjoyable and aesthetically pleasing.
Creative Washtenaw