You have been granted your wish: A Region 9 minigrant. Bravo!
HA! If only grants were the results of wishes! We know you invested time and effort in preparing your grant plus you may have had a little anxiety as you waited for the results. Then bam! Celebration – grant received!
The blush of success passes quickly because its back to work as you manage your grant. There are contracts, records to keep, funding acknowledgments, final reports and, oh yes, an actual project or program to produce.
Creative Washtenaw, your Region 9 regranter, wants to make grant management as easy as possible for you! This page has been created to assist you in your grant management. It provides items, resources and helpful hints to prepare and guide you throughout the grant period and through the preparation of your final report.
If ever you need assistance at any time, contact us at Congrats again!
Acknowledgements! Do it!
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