The pARTy! 2024
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Membership Information

You have selected the Ally - Violet Level $5,000 - $9,999 membership level.

Ally members include individuals, organizations, businesses, foundations and government agencies who place a high value on the arts + creative industries in Washtenaw County and:

  • Frequent arts and cultural events.
  • Believe every child should have equitable access to high quality, consistent, sequential and standards-based education through the arts, culture, design and creativity.
  • Have a preference for hand-crafted goods, well-designed and aesthetically interesting environments.
  • Appreciate that 21st century businesses and their employees seek to live in vibrant, authentic communities.

The price for membership is $5,000.00 per Year.

Membership expires after 12 Months.

Account Information

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Make a Gift


Add an additional gift to your $5,000 starting gift for the Ally Violet membership level for gifts between $5,000 - $9,999.

You are amazing! Thank you for your additional investment in the mission and work of Creative Washtenaw.

More Information

Recommended size is 100px X 100px

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Optional - we do not recommend listing personal addresses. If you do not offer public hours at the address, leave this blank.

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Creative Washtenaw