Names are listed without titles (no Mr. Ms. Dr. etc.)
Please note: creative individuals, your Guide listing and description will be in your name. If you prefer to have your listing in your business name, you must become a creative business member. You may choose to note your business in your description.
Ally members are listed by membership level in name only and without a description.
Please provide 50 words or less describing your creative practice or business. Use descriptive terms so that your listing is searchable by discipline or programs.
Creative Washtenaw will edit your entry to meet its style guidelines.
Please provide a very brief description of your image and the source or photographer credit. Creative Washtenaw will edit your entry to meet its style guidelines.
We learn from our members. Please add any suggestions or ideas here. Maybe its about a program or someone you think would like to hear about Creative Washtenaw. Maybe its something you think we should stop doing. Whatever it is, tell us and we will listen! Include your contact information if you want us to call you.