U.S. Senator Gary Peters - Senator@peters.senate.gov
U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow - info@stabenowforsenate.com
U.S. Representative Debbie Dingell - MI 6 - d2@debbiedingell.com
Gretchen Whitmer - info@gretchenwhitmer.com
Lieutenant Governor
Garlin D. Gilchrist II - garlin@umich.edu
Secretary of State
Jocelyn Benson - Jocelyn@votebenson.com
Attorney General
Dana Nessel - info@dana2018.com
MI State Senators
District 14
Jeff Irwin - - senjirwin@senate.michigan.gov
District 18
Sue Shink - - SenSShink@senate.michigan.gov
MI State Representatives
District 23
Jason Morgan - JasonMorgan@house.mi.gov
District 31
Reggie Miller - - ReggieMiller@house.mi.gov
District 32
Jimmie Wilson Jr. - JimmieWilson@house.mi.gov
District 46
Kathy Schmaltz - - KathySchmaltz@house.mi.gov
District 47
Carrie Rheingans - CarrieRheingans@house.mi.gov
District 48
Jennifer Conlin - - JenniferConlin@house.mi.gov
District 53
Felicia Brabec - FeliciaBrabec@house.mi.gov
Administrator - Greg Dill - dillg@washtenaw.org
County Clerk/Register of Deeds - Lawrence Kestenbaum - Kestenbauml@washtenaw.org
Sheriff - Jerry L. Clayton - claytonj@washtenaw.org
Treasurer - Catherine McClary - TreasurerMcclaryc@washtenaw.org
Washtenaw County Commissioners